Get ready to hit the pavement and take down bosses in this endless shoot-em-up car battle. Unlock cars, upgrade weapons, complete missions, and unleash massive destruction as you battle your way to the top of the leader boards.

Platform: iOS and Android
Engine: Unity
Role: Lead Designer

  • Responsibilities:
    • Thoughtfully designed game systems, including:
      • Produced clear and thorough design documentation
      • 5 behaviorally different weapons, each with an upgrade path of 8 tiers
      • A vehicle “garage” with 20 different cars and unique skins
      • An XP based leveling system with lootbox rewards
      • A mobile economy centered around lootbox rewards
      • Varied AI behaviors
      • Challenging boss encounters
      • Organized design documentation into agile tasks for programmers/artist
      • Worked closely with multiple disciplines to bring project from conception to completion